Monday, September 8, 2008

the months, though spread out
total about a year or so
a year i wasn't around
it was recorded that i felt empty at times
but did ya know what i found?
a certain place, here on the web
with so many weaker faces
persuasion faces
people at the brink with white flags
sometimes they're barely waving
but most times they're walking slowly,
looking up
asking about and about and about
asking me questions as if i would know all the answers
but i found that i actually knew all the answers
each question studied,
drafted, and answered
i found myself educated
on how i got past the worst
and oh their reply's
yeah you should SEE their reply's
they say thank you
you've helped me
sometimes i've changed their mind
to anticipate the future times
that were still coming

the thesis of this story:
i thought the upper hand of control was based in one place
but it's really all around me and my second chance has me laughing sideways

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