Monday, October 13, 2008

bring up the browser
eyes stray to the upper right here
interested in planets aligning?
mars being closer?
the moon being out more?
and all that other shit?
could it apply?
does it really imply?
my head goes sideways
every time i see it
i wonder if they take it as seriously as they say
(are you as sincere as you seem? or is it all just a ploy?)
i wonder if they craft their movements around the words that they've read

it's all totally applicable
i'm predicting precessions
i'm anticipating action
and i've betoken the breakdown
from the God in my dreams
every night
and into every next morning
He sits me down on big slabs of stone
surrounded by clouds and fog and haze
He then tells me what's going to happen that day

(sometimes i'm taking notes, writing down all the words, waking up, and doing the same
and then sometimes i'm sleeping, He's still talking, but i'm not listening)

sometimes He speaks of silence
my ears, fine tuned, familiarized
i got the ideas from old paintings
10 portraits
gates of hell
sound quality is what you make it
pen tablet sensitivity could never edit the eyes
nor will they ever fix it
here, we're editing appearance
all of the time